Stuffed Animals for Emergencies

This source is a nonprofit organization that focuses on taking donations of new and gently used stuffed animals, blankets, books, and much more. These donations are taken to children in traumatic or emotional situations to help relieve some of the stress. The whole program is run by volunteers and is fueled by the many donations received from people across the world. 

Hospitals & Doctor Offices

By learning and understaning the impact stuffed animals include, it can be very useful and helpful to spread the assistance to those who really need it. Hospitals and doctor offices take care of children with a range of illnesses. One stuffed animal can change the attitude of an individual, improving overall comfort and welfare.

There are many ways to connect research surrounding stuffed animals to our daily lives. It is important to relay this knowledge to our own families, friends, and relatives. One conversation can help improve daily function, leading to future positive consequences.

Making A Impact


With the sources listed above, our donation page can help your money reach the right organizations with the click of a button! We want to make every penny is counted for. With each donation made on our site, you will recieve an informational email about how your donation will make an impact, where it is going/providing for, and what things will be bought with the donation money.

Click here!!!!!

The World of Stuffed Animals

Improving foundations of development one stuffed animal at a time!